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Noticias en español - Negocios - B1 / B2 / C1 / C2 (DELE) (news in Spanish)

Noticias en español - Negocios - B1 / B2 / C1 / C2 (DELE) (news in Spanish)

Actividad de lectura de un artículo periodístico con actividades para la clase y respuestas para el/la profe. Artículo periodístico en español 6 Consejos para Negociar de manera más efectiva Conversación Frases para negociar (formal e informal - tú o usted) Gramática y vocabulario Lectura y escritura 2 Role-plays diferentes: negociaciones Reading and speaking about news in Spanish. Business: 6 tips to negotiate more efficiently. Grammar, vocabulary, reading, writing, speaking and role-playing 2 negotiation scenarios.
BUNDLE 1: Noticias en español - B1/ B2 / C1 / C2 (DELE) (news in Spanish)

BUNDLE 1: Noticias en español - B1/ B2 / C1 / C2 (DELE) (news in Spanish)

5 Resources
5 Clases de español con 5 noticias de actualidad diferentes. Cambio climático (artículo periodístico) Economía y pandemia (video) Negocios (artículo periodístico) Vacuna covid-19 (video) Brexit (video) Material audiovisual con preguntas para conversación, vocabulario y gramática. 5 Spanish Lesson Plans with 5 different items of current news. Conversation, vocabulary and grammar. With answers. Follow us and find more at: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/interalialanguage
Business English lessons - Getting to know you (Activity Set: 3 lessons)

Business English lessons - Getting to know you (Activity Set: 3 lessons)

Business English lesson: Getting to know you. Set of 3 different fun, communicative lesson plans with digital or printable activities. Ideal for the beginning of a new Business English course. It includes 3 different lesson plans with communicative activities: Getting to know each other: Adjectives to describe personality. Getting to know each other by describing personalities and the personality traits needed for their jobs. Question tags: Getting to know each other and finding out more about classmates or checking information students may have. At the International Conference: Phrases to interrupt politely, greet and join a conversation. Introducing yourself and others. Exchanging personal information and interacting with colleagues. NO PREP lessons for Business English students. Each lesson includes teacher’s notes with warm-up and lesson progression.
Business English lessons - Socializing (Activity Set: 3 lessons)

Business English lessons - Socializing (Activity Set: 3 lessons)

Business English lesson: Socializing. Set of 3 different fun, communicative lesson plans with digital or printable activities. Ideal for a Business English course. It includes** 3 different lesson plans** with communicative activities: What would you do if…?: Grammar focus: Second conditional Communicative focus: Discussing probable scenarios, making hypothesis, talking about work-related decisions. At the restaurant with clients: Vocabulary focus: food and typical dishes from different countries. Phrases to use at the restaurant Grammar focus: Comparatives and Superlatives Communicative focus: Choosing a restaurant and interacting during a meal. Small Talk Champions: Grammar focus: Echo questions. Follow-up questions. Communicative focus: Showing interest, asking questions and keeping a conversation going NO PREP lessons for Business English students. Teacher’s notes: each lesson includes teacher’s notes with warm-up and lesson progression.
MEGA BUNDLE! Noticias en español - B1 / B2 / C1 / C2 (DELE) (news in Spanish)

MEGA BUNDLE! Noticias en español - B1 / B2 / C1 / C2 (DELE) (news in Spanish)

10 Resources
10 Clases de español con 10 noticias de actualidad diferentes: Cambio climático: lectura y vocabulario (artículo periodístico) Economía y pandemia: escucha y vocabulario (video) Negocios: frases para negociar, expresar acuerdo y desacuerdo (artículo periodístico) Vacuna covid-19: vocabulario y conectores (video) Brexit: escucha, vocabulario y frases para expresar opiniones (video) Economía: trucos para ahorrar (video) Innovación y proyectos: crowdfunding (artículo periodístico) Inversiones: Gamestop y expresiones para describir gráficos (video) Educación: Inteligencias Múltiples y vocabulario de profesiones (artículo periodístico + video opcional) Viajes y turismo: Subjuntivo para dar opiniones (artículo periodístico) Material audiovisual con preguntas para conversación, vocabulario y gramática. 10 Spanish Lesson Plans with 10 different items of current news. Conversation, vocabulary and grammar. With answers. Follow us and find more at: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/interalialanguage